Hope for the Hurting

The purpose of this blog is to offer words of encouragement to brothers and sisters in Christ who have been hurt by the church. The local church is made up of people. Those people are not perfect. Unfortunately, those people can sometimes hurt each other. If you have a word of encouragement, scripture, or devotional that would help a hurting church member, please feel free to post it here.

Location: United States

Monday, July 24, 2006

All Church People are Bad

This is the first negative attitude I had to overcome. Shortly after the "incident" when my husband and I decided not to return to the church we were members of, we made a family "get away" to the mountains. We were there over a weekend, and on Sunday morning I decided to watch a locally televised church service. I clearly remember the negative thoughts I had about the people I saw on the screen.

"They're faking it."
"They don't care about people."
"They're putting on a show."
The "church people" who had hurt us so badly were making it difficult for us to trust ANY other "church people". But that's not fair. And we knew it. It took a lot of prayer and tears before we could go to church again. Sometimes we still feel like we're attending out of obedience, rather than desire. God calls us to worship together. It hasn't always been easy. It will take a long time to trust again.

But there's one who'll stick closer than a brother (Prov. 18:24). Proverbs 18:10 also says, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. "

Someone once told me, "If you find a perfect church, don't join it. It won't be perfect anymore!" It's true that churches aren't perfect. They are made up of sinful people. But, there's an innocence that is lost when a Christian sister or brother or group hurts y0u.

Let's pray for each other to be able to trust again. Share any thoughts, scriptures, prayer, etc. that have helped you get past the negative attitude that says "All Church People are Bad".


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