Hope for the Hurting

The purpose of this blog is to offer words of encouragement to brothers and sisters in Christ who have been hurt by the church. The local church is made up of people. Those people are not perfect. Unfortunately, those people can sometimes hurt each other. If you have a word of encouragement, scripture, or devotional that would help a hurting church member, please feel free to post it here.

Location: United States

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Looking for Excuses

Maybe I'm looking for excuses, but this article seems to provide me with the answers I've been looking for in the forgiveness and reconciliation department.

When I left my former church, it was clear that it had been led by a controlling person. It was definately in the early stages - with lots of potential for spiritual abuse. What this article tells me is that there may be no reconciling with the ones I left behind, UNTIL they get out from under that "philosophy". My job at this point is to pray for them. At some point in the future, they may see the control and legalism they have been under. THEN, we can talk.

I hope I'm right. This is the first thing that has made sense to me so far.

What's the Buzz!: Leaving an Abusive Church


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