Hope for the Hurting

The purpose of this blog is to offer words of encouragement to brothers and sisters in Christ who have been hurt by the church. The local church is made up of people. Those people are not perfect. Unfortunately, those people can sometimes hurt each other. If you have a word of encouragement, scripture, or devotional that would help a hurting church member, please feel free to post it here.

Location: United States

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Taking a break is okay

While I don't agree with everything in this post, I think he has a good point. Many of us who have been hurt in church just want to take a break. But, we end up feeling guilty that we're not a part of a local congregation; serving in 4 or 5 roles. This post makes us think, and remember that when scripture calls us to serve, it didn't list ministry positions at the local church. These are great and very much needed. However, helping a stranger in need; giving your "out-to-eat money" to a Christian mission; any way you can show Christ's love - is service. So, if you feel the Lord leading you to take a break from "doing church" - then do it. He'll lead you back to your place of worship and service in His time.

Quit, and see what happens


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